I am sorry for the need to vent. But it has been one of those days. This is how it panned out.
6 am -Austin wakes up. I turn on Chip and Dale and crawl back in bed. Turning off the alarm that was set to get me up to run. That option is out, since the kid was up. Don't want him running after me screaming.
6:45 - Gage is awake. I get out of bed, get him milk, find a sweater, and keys. I put my contacts in. Then its time to take Cori to school. I convince Austin to stay home with Syd by turning on Teletubbies. I get back, take a quick shower. Get ready, come out multiple times to make sure the kids are on track. I tell the kids they are riding their bikes, because I can't give them a ride to or from school. i get the chorus of whines, and pleads. I don't give them a ride. I leave right after them to take Gage to the ENT dr. to check that his tubes are placed correctly. The two boys are with me. They run from the car into the parking lot, then to the building and fight over who gets to push the open button. Then to the elevator. They were good for a whole 3 minutes until it was our turn to go into the room. They get up on the big chair, then on the other chairs and jump off. Screaming at each other, asking the dr. what this button and that button do, hitting, pushing and punching each other. We get done. Logan pushes Austin because he wants to push the handicap button. Austin screams, falls to the floor with his head hitting the ground.
off to the car, running through the parking lot again, pushing, yelling, and screaming again.
Off to walmart. Doesn't go well. We get 1/4 of the things on the list, again. with still more pushing, hitting, yelling. seeing a pattern?
I call my friend and ask her to please take my boys while I take Gage to get fitted for his leg braces. Yeah, she said yes. I take Gage. We are late due to a huge temper tantrum about a spoon-why does it have to be right when you are walking out the door that they have to have the right spoon, or toy, or whatever. So we get there. There isn't a place to park. I have to park a block away, Gage needs a diaper change, so I run. By the time I get into the office, I am completely winded. Luckily they are pretty easy going and it doesn't matter that I am 5 or 10 minutes late. But they weren't ready for us. So we sat there for 45 minutes while he did whatever when i could have been home doing dishes. Doesn't this man realize how valuable my time is these days. I can't just sit watching the fish swim in the tank. so I was all but thrilled to leave that office empty handed. Guess what I have to go back tomorrow to pick them up. Then I get home just in time for the ladies from the learning center to get here and our IFSP-it is a meeting to set goals for Gage for the next 6 months. I got some good info and we set some good goals. After they left, it was time for the 2nd of 3 Parent teacher conferences this week. That went well. I have good kids for the most part and they are excellent students. I get home, Jared is home, and says he has to go work on his bosses new house because they are getting ready for their final inspection. Who is going to do the dishes or pick up the 12 puzzles that are all over the floor or the marble madness game that is set up in the living room. not me, not the kids, Jared is not going to do it. anyone volunteer? I got dinner going and then Gage got up from his nap. He is screaming. Cori took him outside for a walk. That helped, but then Logan hit Austin on the head with a golf club that was supposed to be in the trash. So now Austin is screaming. seeing a pattern?
Cori then brings Gage back in, now mad that he isn't outside. So I ask the other girls if they will take him for a walk so I can finish dinner. They say no, so I said, okay dinner will wait. I started out the door and of course, Austin wants to come with me, and then Logan. So I wait for Logan to get his shoes on, and Kathryn comes out and says she will take them to the park. Thank You. That was a big help. I got dinner done and I ate before they got back. Syd ended up going down too. Its our neighbors birthday, so we took a cake and card and present over to her and sang Happy Birthday. I was glad to be able to bring a little bit of cheer to her day. When we got home it was almost time for Jared to leave for Basketball. He was trying to help me get the kids pj's on and prayers said. During family prayer the boys were fighting and blowing yuckies our their nose, so they got sent right to bed. The girls got to stay up and have cake. Everyone is now in bed. I feel much better after my rant. Maybe tomorrow the dishes will get done.