Everyday I witness so many great blessings because of Gage's CP. It saddens me from time to time because he can't do normal 2 year old things. I know there are so many children out there that are affected by CP that can only do 1/2 the things he can, or even nothing like he can. So for that I am saddened, for them and their parents. But I do feel blessed by this disability, that makes it so he's not as fast as the other boys, and can't do and follow their lead. I do realize that by saying I feel blessed that he can't do things seems ungrateful because of the saddness so many feel because their children have difficulties. But to me its a blessing because he's not jumping off the table, running through the store throwing things from shelves, risking his life while climbing out of the basket, etc. He can climb up on the couch and sit, but he doesn't jump off of it. Because of his disability there are things he can't do, but also there are things I am able to watch and give me a witness that our Heavenly Father loves us, He is aware of my needs, and our families needs. He watches over us, and blesses us when the time is right. It is His time we are working with and I know that. I am able to watch Gage progress day in and day out. Today we had PT at the hospital. Gage loves to go see Lacy and Matt. Today he worked hard for Lacy. They have a table that moves up and down and can be at the perfect level for him, and Gage was standing there reading a book with Lacy. Then we started playing a puzzle, the pieces of the puzzle were at one end of the table and the puzzle itself was at the other. Gage started walking along the edge
BY HIMSELF! This is something he has never done before-ever, without help. It was so great to watch. He wanted to do it. He took big steps, and walked along that table like he had been doing it for weeks. It was amazing to me. Just recently I was thinking that he really didn't look like he had any desire to walk, and it was okay with me, for now. After today, I am glad to say I was wrong.
Its amazing to me that we deserve to raise this little boy, or any of my great kids for that matter. He is smart, he is a hard worker, he is patient, and he is a love. He loves to give kisses and hugs. He knows all about it. I feel honored to be a mom and a wife. I definitely don't deserve it, but I am glad I have it all.